sábado, setembro 30, 2006
Mais que uma crítica, este texto não será por si uma análise, mas sim uma reflexão, pois não há palavras que descrevam imagens tão reais como aquelas que se passaram a 11 de Setembro de 2001...
WTC, realizado por Oliver Stone e tendo como protagonistas Nicholas Cage (na pele do sargento da polícia John McLoughlin) e Michael Pena (como polícia William Jimeno) torna-se cláustrofóbico, intenso e dá uma sensação de constante insegurança e desconforto, transpondo de certa forma a nossa presença para dentro da tela e para dentro das pessoas que passaram por todo o desenrolar dos acontecimentos.
quinta-feira, setembro 28, 2006
Espero que gostem..
Mão esquerda em pose e mão direita desenha.
O príncipio da tendência abstraccionista lolol
segunda-feira, setembro 25, 2006
Chapter 5 - Wandering smile
The day started with a smile..and it will end with a smile..
domingo, setembro 24, 2006
Deixo-vos hoje com..the romantic song..the one called..
Wake Me Up When September Ends - GreenDay
quinta-feira, setembro 21, 2006
Ask Guru Joe
The Gift
The Gift - MUSIC
Ok! Do you want something simple?
quarta-feira, setembro 20, 2006
terça-feira, setembro 19, 2006
Dance Music
Give it Away - Deepest Blue
Pois é..comecou o trabalho de Assistente Comercial no Millennium BCP e entre maços de notas, elásticos e outras coisas a voar vai-se trabalhando lololol
De momento apenas tou na fase de observar, aprender e ir apreendendo aos poucos a rotina diária..entretanto os exames não correram tão bem e apenas 50% foram bem sucedidos (2 em 4) isto é o curso ainda não está feito, portanto há que trabalhar para o acabar rapidamente.
O tempo é cada vez menor mas ainda assim espero que me continuem a visitar, apesar de só vos poder visitar 1 ou 2 vezes por semana, porque o tempo é muito menor..mas saibam sempre que "the scorpion is always here ;) by your side"
PS: ia-me esquecendo...lolol hoje um carro decidiu começar a incendiar-se quase em frente à sucursal, ou seja, tivemos que chamar os bombeiros e tentar apagar o fogo, mas no fim tivemos de desistir e esperar pelos bombeiros que resolveram a situação..o carro foi para a sucata como é óbvio..
sábado, setembro 16, 2006
quinta-feira, setembro 14, 2006
Chapter 4 -The morning..
It's morning..
The sun isn't shining today..he prefered to hide behind the clouds and let others work a little..
The gray and dark blue won the battle today..
Down here, Melanie was sleepy, but she was different..and after realizing she isn't alone anymore, something could brighten her spirit today..
She gently picked her robe back up on her shoulders and went to take a shower...
The water was falling through her body..drop after drop she felt years passing by..moments she couldn't forget that passed by her hands..and as the water filled her eyes with tears, she dreamed..about love, about hapiness..all the things she never had before or were only memories long ago trapped in her disguised cold heart..
Silence..Calm..peace..she was far far away again..facing down she saw the water spin as fast as her life was in the past..She had ignored Peter..didn´t have the courage to face him..again..didn't return his calls..
She didn't care..but today for some reason she needed air to breath..it was the first time she had thought to visit the streets again..it was a feeling..it was hope...
In the other side...
Jason was already up..
He lives his life to the fullest..sleep for him is a sort of obligation he couldn't understand...the only thing he liked about sleeping were the endless dreams he had, and one was always the same.. about a brave knight and a lonely princess..it was kind of a cliché, but he couldn't control his dreams...and it all ended with a kiss..a strange kiss that bursted in a flash of light, that woke him up everyday..it was strange but also so smooth..
He had all the time in the world..living alone, making three or four jobs in a week..just enough to live..
quarta-feira, setembro 13, 2006
domingo, setembro 10, 2006
sábado, setembro 09, 2006
Chapter 3 - The other side
He has waited many years and the final moment has come...
His purpose..? to rescue the innocent princess from her dark and lonely cell, to give her the unpredictable kiss which could free her soul.. once more..
But the perils are many, and will he devote his life to a love he doesn't know if it will happen...?
He will try..there is nothing to loose right now...maybe later he would understand the real nature of his feelings..
He is not as better or worse..he is just himself, full of all the kindness he keeps inside his soul, hidden behind all the hatred that is released in the millions of wars and challenges that he face everyday...he can't stop them all..but he can try..if he love only once more, he will be a better man and the world will be a better place..
For him time hurts..and for every second he looses without his most deep desires fulfilled, another wound tries to open..
You.. Jason Canori can be the one, just open your eyes and your future could be at the palm of your hand..
Look through the window..and you will see..
The other side..
sexta-feira, setembro 08, 2006
For all the romantic fans..
Richard Marx-Right here waiting for you
quinta-feira, setembro 07, 2006
Pierrot the Clown - Placebo (live)
terça-feira, setembro 05, 2006
Espero que gostem..
yours trully
Muse - Time is running out
Muse - Bliss
segunda-feira, setembro 04, 2006
Chapter 2 - Dark Dawn
domingo, setembro 03, 2006
To the fans..
Call Me When Your Sober - Evanescence
Aproveito também (voltando às minhas raízes musicais) para vos deixar uma música.. relaxante..Garbage no seu melhor..
You look so fine - Garbage
Chapter 1 - Alone...Not anymore..
sábado, setembro 02, 2006
Bom fim de semana!
Wanderings of Dawn...
sexta-feira, setembro 01, 2006
Frase do Dia
Golden Boy
Episode 1 - 1ª Parte
Episode 1 - 2ª Parte
Episode 1 - 3ª Parte