quarta-feira, abril 27, 2011

Chapter 7 - Another day..Another task..Another Challenge..

Damn..My eyes..sun is burning today..hell on earth coming sooner? (moaning)
Another day another routine..
Fighting each day to pay my bills, I see myself overwhelmed with all the work, tasks and papers I've accumulated and scattered throughout the floor..My house is a living mess..I call it the harmony of disaster...that´s the main reason I never invite no one back here or at least make a party so the mess is the least thing I need to worry about..
Anyway I fight through to find a good pair of clean jeans and socks..and after a few minutes the challenge is successful.
Reminder: clean this mess..eventually..someday..
Ready for work, armed with my faithful bike at my shoulder i cruise by the stairs as fast as I can..
"Hello..Good Morning Mr. Jones!"
"Good Morning son..How are you today?"
"In a rush as always..have a good day Mr. Jones"

Mr. Jones is my landlord, nice, quiet and an honest man..far from that stereotype of the hateful and dreadful neighbour..thankfully..he had all the patience in the world for me..
Delayed rents, some noise now and then..and so on..
In return I would help him in his gardening maintenance, and with his chess games whenever i had spare time to be a worthy opponent...
It was the least I could do..be at his side..he had on one else since he lost his wife, victim of a robbery gone wrong in a dark alley five blocks away from home..a sad story..but life is unfair..
and we can't always moan about it..even when justice can't be made by our hands...
We have to embrace it with open arms and survive another day..and another..and another..
Life is no more than a wheel..turning and turning..and we are the ones who keep it turning around..

3 comentários:

Delirium disse...

Olá, desculpe pelo incômodo mas estou participando de uma promoção de dia dos namorados para ganhar uma viagem a Buenos Aires. Por favor, curta a foto de Ludmila e Tainá neste link

E se possível dê uma passada no meu blog e deixe um recadinho pois gostaria muito de voltar aqui depois para ler o seu com mais calma =)

Maria disse...

A vida é injusta. Mas só às vezes. A vida é bela também. Sempre bela.


Maria disse...

Não escreves desde abril... I miss your poetic writing.
