sábado, dezembro 03, 2011

A right word gone wrong...

Many times I think that one word can turn things good..turn things right..
Much courage I had to say it..but the result was the same as before..not regret..not disappointment..but just an evidence that destiny has it's ways of showing us different paths..
This time I thought a new path could open..I didn't think I would walk it..but surprise show me otherwise..
Step by step I walked this new path, and suddenly a door opened to me and showed me a glimpse of a new world I knew and love..I tried to run, tried to reach it..I saw another door but when I tried to open it..it was locked..and the key wasn't in my possession.
Now I don't think I will search for a new key for the same door, but a new path is needed because disappointment is too much present in all the paths I walk and maybe in the future I can open a door and find at last a path I can finally walk, with a key in the pocket...

8 comentários:

Maria disse...

Quando há muitas portas é dificil escolher apenas uma. E se encontrares a porta certa e não tiveres a chave... arromba a porta!
Que bom, um novo post!

[respondi ao teu comentário no meu blog]

Maria disse...

Boa semana fofo ^-^

Maria disse...

Feliz 2012!!!
Que se lixe a crise!



Maria disse...

O que tens feito?


Maria disse...

Já estás melhor da constipação?

Maria disse...


Maria disse...

Bom weekend!

belos blogs disse...

bom dia amiga
vc quer ganhar muito dinheiro trabalhando na internet da sua casa mesmo nas horas livres
da uma olhadinha nesse site, sem compromisso e se vc resolver adquirir eu digo vc nao vai se arrepender e ja estou ganhando e ja tirei o que investi na primeira semana é sério mesmo.
